These beliefs were not ours to begin with, they were given to us by our family, friends, and the environment around us. We absorb them as children, often without question, and they become the lens through which we view the world. Whether they are beliefs about our self-worth, our relationships, money, or success, they shape how we interpret our experiences.

But here’s the empowering truth; While we didn’t choose the ones we inherited, we can choose new ones that serve our highest potential.

For example, if you believe “I’m not good enough,” you will go into social settings in a way that reinforces this idea placing others above you instead of seeing yourself as equal. On the other hand, if you believe “I am worthy of love and success,” you’ll begin to recognise opportunities that align with your new belief and walk new paths of growth. Your beliefs don’t just shape your thoughts—they shape your emotions, actions, and your results you receive in every aspect of your life.

By reflecting on our past, we can uncover the limiting beliefs we’ve held since childhood. These beliefs often operate beneath our conscious awareness, influencing our actions and keeping us trapped in old patterns. The subconscious mind doesn’t judge these beliefs as good or bad; it simply continues to reinforce them, repeating whatever patterns we’ve learned over time.

But here’s the good news: just as negative beliefs create an automatic cycle, positive beliefs can do the same. By reprogramming your subconscious, you can break free from old, limiting patterns and replace them with empowering ones that support your growth. When you change your beliefs, you change your cycle—and your entire life.